Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 19: Blitzkrieg Kriticism!

Today, we're doing peer review, but not just any peer review criticism... this is...

Blitzkrieg Kritik! 

Basically, I just want you to take a minute and look at each of your classmates' rough drafts and give them a little love, a little help, a little something special.  In other words, make their papers bleed with corrections because you're doing this anonymously people!

You can start with mine:

Meanwhile, you can listen to "Blitzkrieg Pop" by the Ramones.

Or, you can listen to my fantasy metal station on Pandora... which is essentially made for this activity!


Grammar Review:

How about this classic, little gem?

Your Daily Assignment:

Make sure your draft is posted to Google Docs, set it to public editing, post the link on your blog, and then take a minute or two on each of your classmates' papers to comment by Monday at noon.  This is a chance to see what other people are doing, and to use all of your collective skills to help each other as writers.  EVERY SINGLE CLASSMATE GETS TO READ EVERY OTHER CLASSMATE'S PAPER!  IT'S LIKE MAGIC, ONLY BETTER!

Your final draft should be e-mailed to me by Monday at midnight.

I know that the syllabus says something about posting a link to your favorite game on your blog; hold off on that, we may get there.  At this point, time is of the essence.

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